All That I See


Shane Gregory
Permuted Press
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It has been more than a month since the Canton B virus turned the people of the world into mindless zombies. The survivors of Clayfield, Kentucky attempt to carve out new lives for themselves in this harsh new world. Those who remain have been hardened by their environment and their choices over the previous weeks, but their optimism has not been extinguished. There is hope that eventually Clayfield can be secured, but first, the undead must be eliminated and law and order must be restored.

Unfortunately, the group might not ever get to implement their plan. Armed raiders, led by a man named Wheeler, strike the town to steal guns, food, and other supplies, but what they really want is women. Other groups in the town join forces and make themselves known, but true allies are hard to find. It becomes difficult to determine who the good guys really are.
All the while, the zombies and the virus are a constant threat and are ready to claim anyone that makes a mistake. Then news filters in that something far worse could be on its way to Clayfield, and a decision must be made whether or not to abandon the town.