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Sabotaje (Isaac Bell 2)

Imagen de Sabotaje (Isaac Bell 2)
Cussler, Clive; Scott, Justin
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Con Sabotaje, Clive Cussler nos ofrece una nueva aventura cargada de acción y misterio de la mano de la agencia de detectives Van Dorn y del inigualable Isaac Bell. Unos misteriosos saboteadores pretenden destruir el ferrocarril que unirá Estados Unidos, ¿o la nación entera? Una oleada de (...)

Sabotaje (Serie Falcó)

Imagen de Sabotaje (Serie Falcó)
Pérez-Reverte, Arturo
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¿Es el Guernica que conocemos el verdadero cuadro que pintó Picasso? ¿Qué hacía Falcó en París en la primavera de 1937? ARTURO PÉREZ-REVERTE Y LORENZO FALCÓ VUELVEN CON UNA HISTORIA DE SABOTAJE. «La luz declinante de la ventana y su efecto óptico en el cristal daban una tenue pátina rojiza al (...)


Imagen de Sabra
Aguinis, Marcos; Perednik, Gustavo
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Cuando Absalom Feinberg cumplió doce años fundó una agrupación paradesalojar de su país al imperio otomano e inició una epopeya. Era unapasionado de las letras y de la naturaleza. Gozó aventuras en eldesierto y en la París de la belle époque. Se entreveró en romancescruzados y allanó el avance del (...)

Sahara (Dirk Pitt 11)

Imagen de Sahara (Dirk Pitt 11)
Cussler, Clive
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Un nuevo y peligroso desafío para Dirk Pitt. 1931: Una famosa aviadora australiana desaparece misteriosamente mientras sobrevuela el Sáhara. 1995: Dirk Pitt salva la vida a una atractiva joven científica cuya misión es investigar una enfermedad desconocida que conduce a miles de personas a la (...)

Saint Germaine: Casanova's Lament #1

Imagen de Saint Germaine: Casanova's Lament #1
Gary Reed
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Saint Germaine chronicles the life of one of Europe s most famous adventurers...the vagabond lover Casanova, who infected the high courts with his charm, wit, and persuasive manner. His claim to fame included his many affairs, his escape from a Venice prison that was deemed inescapable, his (...)

Saint Germaine: Quasimodo's Tale #1

Imagen de Saint Germaine: Quasimodo's Tale #1
Gary Reed
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Over a game of chess the immortal Saint Germaine tells the tale of Quasimodo and the tragic events surrounding the cathedral of Notre Dame to his opponent and author Victor Hugo. Saint Germaine is a being who claims immortality yet has died a thousand deaths. He has traversed the paths of mankind (...)

Saint Germaine: Restoration #1

Imagen de Saint Germaine: Restoration #1
Gary Reed
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A newpaper reporter is given a "tour" of the historical aspects within Saint Germaine's life as he witnesses deaths and images of many people such as Bosch, Descartes, and Kafka. Scenes depicted within this tale include the fall of Khartoum, Napoleon s invasion of Moscow, the Salem witches, and (...)

Saint Germaine: Shadows Fall #1

Imagen de Saint Germaine: Shadows Fall #1
Gary Reed
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Introducing Saint Germaine, a man who has lived forever but has died 1,000 deaths. The immortal Germaine is featured in narratives that not only chronicle his life, but mankind's as well. In this opening storyline, Germaine has been contemplating the end to forever until he finds out that his long (...)

Saint Germaine: Shadows Fall #2

Imagen de Saint Germaine: Shadows Fall #2
Gary Reed
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Newspaper reporter Manny Chanchu, a proven skeptic, begins to realize that the legend of Saint Germaine is actually true and uncovers a secret that Germaine was keeping from him during their discussions. Lilith, having desperately attempted to live a "normal" life, finds the secret to peace within (...)

Saint Germaine: Shadows Fall #3

Imagen de Saint Germaine: Shadows Fall #3
Gary Reed
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Germaine finds out that Lilith is still alive, but that she wants to end his very existence. Having tried to live a normal life, Lilith watch as her mortal family aged and died before her eyes. Tragedies of the world have unfolded for her to see and she isn t sure there is a way to escape the pain (...)
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