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Gold Digger #127

Imagen de Gold Digger #127
Fred Perry
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Gina and Britanny are still on Jade, helping the dragon queen T'Mat and her daughter Debra convince the other dragons to help hunt down their mutual enemy, Dreadwing. But T'Mat's emotional scars from Dreadwing run even deeper than the physical ones. Now that her nemesis has returned, her obsession (...)

Gold Digger #128

Imagen de Gold Digger #128
Fred Perry
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While Gina and Britanny remain on Jade, preparing to help the dragons hunt Dreadwing, Gina's grad student class on Earth is safe in the hands of her #1 teaching assistant...Aljabra Gihom? Yes, Al's all set to give the class an important lesson Gina left with her, all about the history of dragons. (...)

Gold Digger #129

Imagen de Gold Digger #129
Fred Perry
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The queen of the Pirate-Ninja Leprechauns, a fairy god-groupie, and the realm's most dangerous "pocket monster" join forces to escape the most secure prison ever devised by the minds of elf, dragon, dwarf, troll and man: Super Dungeon. But before O'Mommah, Lulubell and Platinus can properly launch (...)

Gold Digger #130

Imagen de Gold Digger #130
Fred Perry
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The Pirate Ninja Leprechauns have broken out of "Super Dungeon", and the prime target of their rampage o' vengeance is Prince Lowtor and his candy-coated kingdom of the Oumpa Loumpas! Luckily, they know just where to find him: attending a match involving World Fighters Federation champion Ayane (...)

Gold Digger #131

Imagen de Gold Digger #131
Fred Perry
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The pirate-ninja Leprechaun assault at the Ultimate Fighters Federation arena continues! Despite the Leprechaun Vaultron Team's careful planning, Captain McMorgan and his crew seem poised to defeat them and their mutual enemy, Prince Lowtor of the Uompa-Luompans! With a mighty magend and a pesky (...)

Gold Digger #132

Imagen de Gold Digger #132
Fred Perry
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Stryyp, Britanny and Tifanny are all set to head to Aebra, home world of Stryyp's people, so the planet can throw a royal birthday party for Tif'. Meanwhile, a chance mishap in Gina's class gives a lead to new info on the Dynasty of the Stars, powerful beings who terrorized the galaxy ages ago (...)

Gold Digger #133

Imagen de Gold Digger #133
Fred Perry
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Britanny, Stryyp, Ace and Penny head for a distant world ravaged by the Dynasty, a tribe of ancient, powerful starfarers who have returned to the galaxy. Their friends, the aliens Jan and Rol, may have been killed or worse, enslaved. If so, they will find themselves not only fighting the Dynasty, (...)

Gold Digger #134

Imagen de Gold Digger #134
Fred Perry
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In the wake of a Dynasty assault on an Amaran colony world, Gina and Brit's Amaran friends Jan and Rol (and their whole family) have been put in the Dynasty's thrall. But before they can charge to the rabbit-folks' rescue, they have to assemble an all-star strike force to find out how and why the (...)

Gold Digger #135

Imagen de Gold Digger #135
Fred Perry
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Gina's friends, the Amarans Jan and Rol and all their family, have been captured and co-opted by Rio, Patriarch of the Dynasty of the Stars. Now Gina and her team must try to free the Amarans without hurting them all while the heavily armed space-rabbits are trying to blow them to pieces!

Gold Digger #136

Imagen de Gold Digger #136
Fred Perry
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It's almost time for Genn and Seance to get married, and Brianna, Pini and Charlotte (mainly Brianna) have plans for a super-sized, super-beefy bachelorette party for Genn! Meanwhile, Peebri's more interested in finding cheat codes to restore her online multiplayer battle game status...and with (...)
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