Carried Away


Jill Barnett
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MacLachlan brothers Calum and Eachann need brides, but there are no women on the secluded island where they live. As the descendants of a displaced Highland clan, their lives are complicated, and their goals and methods for dealing with troubles are far from the same. Calum is the logical brother, solid and steady, while Eachann lives by his impulses. When widower Eachann s two rebellious children are thrown out of their mainland boarding school, he decides it s definitely time for a wife. Fate all but hands him two women on a silver platter, so he kidnaps two brides, one to help him with his uncontrollable children, and one for his all-too serious brother.

Debutantes Georgina Bayard and Amy Emerson socially opposite, old money versus new, and both are the talk of the gossipy Four Hundred. While attending the same ball, they are swept away by a mad Scotsman. As captives on a misty island, these two social enemies find themselves with only each other for support. Then, before the women can successfully escape, winter sets in and there is no way back to the mainland. They are stuck with the MacLachlans--two brothers and two unruly kids. There, on that misty island, during a cold and blustery winter, Amy and Georgina must choose: to find some way to go back to their old lives, or take a chance and let their hearts get carried away….