Cinderella Was a Liar : The Real Reason You Can t Find (or Keep) a Prince


Casa & Brenda Della
McGraw-Hill Digital
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Rewrite your romantic reality and create your ownHappily Ever After

Any woman who s kissed her share of toads will relateto this wise and witty guide to modern love. Writtenby a casting producer for television s most popular datingshows, Cinderella Was a Liar explodes the fairy-tale myths that make you miserable--while offering real-world insights that actually make sense. Author Brenda Della Casa interviewed close to 1,000 guys to get the real facts behind the fairy tale and find out what works, what doesn t, and what will send a man running to Never-Never Land. Armed with that knowledge, you will finally discover why your supposed Prince Charming isn t into you and how to find the love you deserve.

Features get-real strategies for the NOT-SO-fairytale world of modern romance, including:

  • The Twelve Sisters No Prince Wants to Date
  • The Toads You Need to Cut Loose Right Now!
  • The Lies We Speak Into the Mirror
  • One Night Stands...and Other Bad Potions
  • Guaranteed Ways to Send Him Far, Far Away
  • And Other Royal Dilemmas!