Complete New Manager


John H Zenger
McGraw-Hill Digital
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Tackle every management challengewith skill and confidence!

Managers are faced with a variety of challenges every day. There are decisionsto make, conflicts to resolve, and strategies to implement, among many otherresponsibilities. As a new manager you need to build the skills necessary fortackling problems head-on.

The Complete New Manager is a valuable toolkit that helps you meet day-to-day challenges quickly and effectively. Filled with tips, techniques, andproven advice from renowned experts, The Complete New Manager teachesyou how to:

  • Become a dynamic leader who instills confidencein both employees and upper management
  • Hire the right people and cultivate an environmentthat makes them want to stay
  • Develop and encourage free-flowing, two-waycommunication with your staff
  • Use proven techniques to deal withdifficult people and problem employees
  • Successfully plan and implement businessstrategies large and small
  • Produce sustained, positive results thatimpress your bosses

The key to successful management is the ability to meet challenges as theyarise. Here, in one volume, is everything you need to bolster your on-the-jobskills and reach the highest levels of success.