CompTIA Network+ Certification Practice Exams (Exam N10-005)


Tracy, Robb
McGraw-Hill Digital
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700+ practice exam questions with in-depth answer explanations prepare you for the 2011 CompTIA Network+ exam
CompTIA Network+ Certification Practice Exams (Exam N10-005) prepares you for this vendor-neutral exam with a battery of more than 700 practice exam questions that simulate the actual exam questions in content, style, and difficulty. The book is designed as an exam-focused study aid and resource, and each question is accompanied by in-depth answer explanations for the correct and incorrect answer choices. Organized by exam objectives, the structure of the book allows you to focus on specific topics and tailor your study to areas of expertise and weakness.

Three complete practice exams are included, as well as one pre-assessment test to gauge baseline knowledge. The three final exams can be used as the final step in exam preparation or as measurements of progress. Two of the final exams are included on the book s CD-ROM in test engine software that simulates an actual timed and graded exam environment.

CompTIA Network+ Certification Practice Exams

•Serves as the perfect supplement to CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide (Exam N10-005), Fifth Edition
•CAPP Authorized and CompTIA reviewed and approved: CAQC (CompTIA Approved Quality Curriculum)
•Includes CD-ROM with two practice exams in the LearnKey MasterExam test engine plus all of the questions from the book in PDF format
Covers all objectives for CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-005, including:
Basic Network Concepts; Network Protocols and Standards; Network Components; TCP/IP Fundamentals; TCP/IP Utilities; Configuring Routers and Switches; Subnetting and Routing; Configuring Network Services; Wireless Networking; Remote Connectivity; Wide Area Network Technologies; Implementing a Network; Maintaining and Supporting a Network; Network Security; Troubleshooting the Network