CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exams (Exam SY0-301)


Lachance Daniel Clarke Glen
McGraw-Hill Digital
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Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test!

CompTIA Security+ Certification Practice Exams (Exam SY0-301) is filled with more than 800 realistic practice questions to prepare you for this challenging exam. To help you understand the material, in-depth explanations of both the correct and incorrect answers are included for every question. This practical guide covers all official objectives for Exam SY0-301 and is the perfect companion to CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide.

Covers all exam topics, including:
Network Basics and Terminology * Security Terminology * Security Policies and Standards * Types of Attacks * System Security Threats * Mitigating Security Threats * Implementing System Security * Securing the Network Infrastructure * Wireless Networking * Authentication * Cryptography * Managing a PKI Infrastructure * Physical Security * Risk Analysis * Disaster Recovery * Computer Forensics * Security Assessments and Audits * Monitoring and Auditing

CD-ROM includes:

  • Complete MasterExam practice testing engine, featuring:
    -- One full practice exam
    -- Detailed answers with explanations
    -- Score Report performance assessment tool
  • E-book for studying on the go

With free online registration:

  • One bonus downloadable MasterExam practice test