CONNECTABILITY: 8 Keys to Building Strong Partnerships with Your Colleagues and Your Customers


Ryback David
McGraw-Hill Digital
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ConnectAbility - noun: 1. an agile approach to running an organization that takes into account the psychology of human interaction; 2. the only way to do business in today's economy. The era of one-way business leadership is over. The name of the game today is quality communication through solid collaboration. Drawing from the concepts of emotional awareness and relationship dynamics, "ConnectAbility" promotes a sophisticated yet simple method for developing superior partnerships guaranteed to create higher productivity, lower turnover - and greater profits. Even the best-intentioned team players too often focus more on communicating their own ideas than hearing and understanding what others have to say. "ConnectAbility" changes all this using eight steps to fostering optimum communication, which include: sharing your power with others; expressing yourself with authenticity; engaging your audience with humor; maintaining awareness of emotional dynamics; and, challenging yourself by taking charge. The result is an authentic collaborative dynamic that creates better, quicker business decisions. "ConnectAbility" is the key to generating immediate, long-lasting improvements to your business processes - as well as your bottom line.