Crimen y misterio

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Solitary Vol.1 #4

Imagen de Solitary Vol.1  #4
CW Cooke
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Mini-series finale! Breakout? Tim is now face to face with those pulling the strings. Terrible choices face him as time runs thin. Questions are answered about what truly happened on that fateful day, putting Tim on this collision course. One option remains, but what happens if he becomes the (...)

Solitary Vol.1 #3

Imagen de Solitary Vol.1 #3
CW Cooke
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Riot! As the walls continue to close in on Tim, he's been thrown into general population with the dregs of society, many of whom he helped put there. Villains of all shapes and sizes surround him, hoping to tear him to pieces. Tim must stay awake long enough to protect those who count on him and to (...)

Sólo un muerto más

Imagen de Sólo un muerto más
Pinilla, Ramiro
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Una brillante y divertida incursión en la novela policiaca por uno de los grandes nombres de la literatura española.

Sonrisa mortal

Imagen de Sonrisa mortal
Knox, Joseph
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El detective Aidan Waits, a quien conocimos en Sirenas, emprende la caza del hombre que sonríe. El detective Aidan Waits ha regresado al turno de noche, a patrullar las calles insomnes de Manchester. Una llamada lo conduce al hotel Palace, antiguo edificio victoriano ahora casi abandonado. En la (...)

Soñar una bestia

Imagen de Soñar una bestia
César, Güemes
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“Un combate a murete contra un monstruo.”

Sorocabana Blues

Imagen de Sorocabana Blues
Burel, Hugo
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La segunda entrega de la saga de Gabriel Keller, un asesino serial montevideano y gris. Otra magnífica novela negra de Hugo Burel. En la lejana Montevideo de 1964, un misterioso asesino desvela a la policía: su difundido identikit lo describe como un hombre de sombrero, bigote y lentes de (...)

Sota l'aigua

Imagen de Sota l'aigua
Hawkins, Paula
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Després d'haver captivat vint milions de lectors amb La noia del tren, Paula Hawkins torna amb una nova i captivant novel·la de suspens psicològic. « Julia, sóc jo. Necessito que em truquis. Si us plau, Julia. És important.» Dies abans de morir, la Nel Abbott va trucar a la seva germana. La Jules (...)

Storyville : The Prostitute Murders #4

Imagen de Storyville : The Prostitute Murders #4
Gary Reed
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The investigation makes headway as answers start to develop that explain the murders. A society of businessmen who banded together for profit and appearances may be the key to the murders. In a city full of disease before the era of antibiotics, deadly diseases may also play a major role. But (...)

Storyville: The Prostitute Murders

Imagen de Storyville: The Prostitute Murders
Gary Reed
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Storyville: The Prostitute Murders is a graphic novel set in the Storyville district of 1910 New Orleans which was the home for the "Devil's Blues" which later became known as jazz. The legalized red light district ran for 25 years and virtually everything was permitted - from sex to booze, from (...)

Storyville: The Prostitute Murders #1

Imagen de Storyville: The Prostitute Murders #1
Gary Reed
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Set in the Storyville district of 1910 New Orleans which was the home for the "Devil s Blues" which later became known as jazz. The legalized red light district ran for 25 years and virtually everything was permitted - from sex to booze, from gambling to drugs. The only thing that was not (...)
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