Not paying taxes has more to do with your fears and your lack of understanding in the process of creating and preserving wealth than it does with tax laws. With this Book, you will learn why investors do not pay taxes, and why and how you can have an investor"s tax system to not pay taxes, but in this Book, I will not teach you tax law. This is not a Book about tax law.
DON’T PAY TAXES AND HELP OTHERS will train you to:
1. Not pay taxes, just like the rich.
2. Know how to pay less taxes with your business or company.
3. Know what goals you need to achieve in order to get your tax advisor to help you.
4. Know what you have to do to save taxes.
5. Go from paying many taxes to paying little in taxes.
6. Know the future of taxes.
Álvaro Sáez Escudero has been defending taxpayers in the courts against the Treasury for more than a decade. Álvaro has now taken action and wants to help people like you not to pay taxes and not have problems with the Treasury. He defends a fairer and more prosperous taxation for you and for all.