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99 things you wish you knew before...Going Into Sales

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Víctor Antonio
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Sales people are the richest people in the world. To become a successful sales person you need to understand how your customer thinks. Do you know the psychology of a consumer? Victor Antonio offers the best tips on how to turn your sales into a multi-million dollar franchise.

99 things you wish you knew before...Landing your Dream Job

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Philippe Desrochers Gcdf
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Everyone has that one chance to land their dream job and what better way to learn how to than by Dr. Career himself. Learn the best "how to" and making the best first impression.

99 things you wish you knew before...Losing Fat 4 Life

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Brad King & Ms & Mfs
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Diets don't work! They are all fads! You need to understand that if you want to lose weight, you need to understand what makes up your weight gain and how to break it down so you lose what you SHOULD lose and get rid of it for life!

99 things you wish you knew before...Marketing on the Internet

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Peggy Mccoll
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Billions of people are online every single day and have access to all sorts of opportunities. Don't you want your service or project to get noticed? Find out how with New York Times Best Selling author, Peggy McColl. She invented internet marketing!

99 things you wish you knew before…Making Big in the Media

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Steve Kowch
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Media darlings! There are thousands of journalists and tv personalities but do you know what it takes to become one? How do you stand above the crowd? Steve Kowch is the media king and he's offering over 30+ years of media experience in one book.

99 things you wish you knew before…Stressing Out!

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Lauren E Miller942
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Stress will kill you. Let's face it, we're all faced. Most of the stress is about things that aren't even in our control. Lauren Miller has survived indescribable tragedy to offer tips and tricks to help you build an inner peace and help alleviate your anxiety and stress.

99 Tricks and Traps for Microsoft Office Project 2013

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Paul E Harris
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The casual users Survival Guide ! Written for people who understand the basics and want a brief text to demonstrate some of the less intuitive functions. The book is aimed at Project Management Professionals who are casual or new users and understand the software basics but require a short and (...)

99 trucos de supervivencia en el cole

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Glez, Lola; Carbajo
Marca de agua digital
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¡No te pierdas los mejores trucos y consejos de Soco, Max y Dani para sobrevivir al colegio! ¿Estás harto de la comida del comedor? ¿De los exámenes sorpresa? ¿De los compañeros repelentes? ¿De los profesores cascarrabias? El colegio puede ser un lugar MUY PELIGROSO cuando tienes doce años. Por (...)

99% feliz

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Lucas, Dorian
Marca de agua digital
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¿Cuál es el secreto de la felicidad? Los filósofos de Oriente y Occidente llevan miles de años buscando respuesta a las mismas cuestiones que nos preocupan hoy en día. ¿Cuál es el secreto de la felicidad? ¿Hay algún atajo hacia el éxito? ¿Cómo podemos distinguir el amor verdadero? ¿Qué hacer (...)

9N 2014

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Barberà, Jaume
Marca de agua digital
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Després de l'èxit rotund i espectacular de S'ha acabat el bròquil, arriba el nou i esperat llibre de Jaume Barberà. 9/11/2014, la data. La data que il·lusiona la majoria. La data que preocupa els defensors, moderats o no, de l'statu quo i de l'establishment. La data. La resposta al destí de (...)
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