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Trouble in the Cotswolds

Imagen de Trouble in the Cotswolds
Rebecca Tope
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Troubled Waters

Imagen de Troubled Waters
Gillian Galbraith
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Troubleshooting & Repairing Consumer Electronics Without a Schematic

Imagen de Troubleshooting & Repairing Consumer Electronics Without a Schematic
Davidson & Homer
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In this updated edition of his best-selling guide, Homer Davidson, master of consumer electronics, provides wizardly hands-on advice on troubleshooting and repairing a wide range of electronic devices -- without the benefit of schematic diagrams.* Covers car stereos, cassette players, stereo audio (...)

Troubleshooting Marine Diesel Engines, 4th Ed.

Imagen de Troubleshooting Marine Diesel Engines, 4th Ed.
Compton, Peter
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This densely illustrated, hands-on guide to diesel engine maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair renders its subject more user-friendly than ever before. Finally, boatowners who grew up with gas engines can set aside their fears about tinkering with diesels, which are safer and increasingly more (...)

Trova y furor

Imagen de Trova y furor
José Rivero Vivas
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Ogendo es contratado por Fructuoso, llamado Ivo, biznieto de quien lleva su mismo nombre, de igual modo que su abuelo. Su misión consiste en hallar trazas de Fructuoso, padre de Ivo, a quien encuentra al final de una calle, camino de la taberna, que no luce su nombre, aunque es su favorita en (...)

Troy High

Imagen de Troy High
Shana Norris
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Homer’s Iliad, the classic tale of love and revenge, is shrewdly retold for teens in Troy High.   Narrated by Cassie, a shy outsider at Troy High, the story follows the Trojans and Spartans as they declare war on the football field. After the beautiful Elena—who (...)

Troy: An Empire in Siege #2

Imagen de Troy: An Empire in Siege #2
Gary Reed
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The Greeks land on the shores leading to Troy in order to battle the Trojans and ultimately take the city. And with the Greeks comes their greatest warrior, Achilles, a man who has never been defeated in battle. But what was once thought to be a quick victory now becomes a battle that will be (...)

Troy: An Empire in Siege #3

Imagen de Troy: An Empire in Siege #3
Gary Reed
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A disillusioned Achilles retires from the battlefield, no longer willing to fight. And with this Hector and the Trojans seize the opportunity to drive the Greeks back into the sea. But Achilles returns to the battle and in the end Hector decides to fight him in a one on one duel in order to save (...)

Troy: An Empire in Siege #4

Imagen de Troy: An Empire in Siege #4
Gary Reed
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The death of Hector allows Achilles to make the fateful decision to honorably return the body to the Trojan King for burial. However a single arrow shot seemingly befalls the mighty Achilles. The Greeks, unable to break through the fortified walls that surround Troy, and devastated by the loss of (...)

Trozos de mi alma

Imagen de Trozos de mi alma
Katia Japa
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Trozos de mi alma es una antología poética de contenido variado (poesía erótica, percepciones de la vida, dedicatorias…) escrito en diferentes momentos. En él trato de expresar los sentimientos tal y como se sienten, sin rodeos, al desnudo. Muchas personas podrán hacerlo suyo, pues es probable que (...)
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