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Twitter para Dummies - 2ª ed.

Imagen de Twitter para Dummies - 2ª ed.
Guembe, Javier
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¡Aprende a utilizar Twitter y conviértete en el usuario a quien todos quieran seguir! Nueva Edición Revisada y actualizada


Imagen de Twittergrafía
Tascón, Mario; Abad, Mar
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En una era en la que cada vez más personas utilizan las redes sociales, Twitter está significándose como una de las más interesantes, intrigantes y llenas de ingenio e información útil. La utilización de sus mensajes ha cambiado la forma de comunicarse entre las personas y ha ayudado a la (...)

Two Cures for Love

Imagen de Two Cures for Love
Wendy Cope
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The idea for this book grew out of Wendy Cope s experience of meeting her audience, when reading her poems in schools. This is an edition of the poems which identifies the references, verse-forms, contexts and occasions of her work, and which offers readers a new arrangement of the poetry as a (...)

Two Identical Bunnies

Imagen de Two Identical Bunnies
Lina Lü
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This book includes three exciting stories: Two Identical Bunnies, A House without a Roof, and A New Friend. These stories help children learn to share and cooperate with others, and truly know and accept a new person. Each story comes with An Experts Opinion and Mommys Message to help adults guide (...)

Two Shades of Morning

Imagen de Two Shades of Morning
Janice Daugharty
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Sibyl is either dying or just dying to cause trouble.Sympathy for a man-hunting siren? Sibyl says she s dying. But this sexy new neighbor in a small Georgia town, circa 1960, may be lying. After all, her main goal seems to be milking her story in order to keep her husband, Robert, under her thumb (...)

Two Thousand Years Ago

Imagen de Two Thousand Years Ago
Xavier Francisco Cândido
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El autor espiritual de esta obra extraordinaria, el Espíritu Emmanuel, relata una de sus reencarnaciones en un ámbito de poder, pasiones e intrigas. Transcurre en Palestina durante la época de Cristo, cuando vivió como Publio Lentulus, un importante senador del Imperio Romano. Describe su encuentro (...)

Two to Mango

Imagen de Two to Mango
Jill Marie Landis
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Forget the grass skirts. Some of the Island's top hula dancers are pushing up daisies.Everyone at Em Johnson s famous North Shore Kauai hang-out, The Tiki Goddess Bar, knows that the bar s irrepressible Hula Maidens take their hula dancing seriously. So when famed hula instructors from a rival (...)

Two-in-one: Animal Tales from Africa 1

Imagen de Two-in-one: Animal Tales from Africa 1
Mirna Lawrence
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This series of old, old, well-loved stories from Africa in large print was specially designed to appeal to younger readers. This series is suitable for reading aloud and self-reading and the art of African story-telling will be enjoyed by all.

Two-in-one: Animal Tales from Africa 2

Imagen de Two-in-one: Animal Tales from Africa 2
Mirna Lawrence
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This series of old, old, well-loved stories from Africa in large print was specially designed to appeal to younger readers. This series is suitable for reading aloud and self-reading and the art of African story-telling will be enjoyed by all.

Two-in-one: Animal Tales from Africa 3

Imagen de Two-in-one: Animal Tales from Africa 3
Marion Marchand
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This series of old, old, well-loved stories from Africa in large print was specially designed to appeal to younger readers. This series is suitable for reading aloud and self-reading and the art of African story-telling will be enjoyed by all.
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