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Imagen de Underground
Murakami, Haruki
Marca de agua digital
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Una estremecedora crónica de la fragilidad de la sociedad actual.

Underground (Edició en català)

Imagen de Underground (Edició en català)
Murakami, Haruki
Marca de agua digital
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Un document necessari i commovedor de l’atac terrorista que va sacsejar Tokio el 1995

Understand Rap

Imagen de Understand Rap
William Buckholz
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Rap songs are famous for their double entendres, clever turns of phrase, and general ingenuity, but that doesnÆt mean things always make sense the first time around. Enter Understand Rap, a very funny pop-cultural reference book based on the website of the same name, which precisely explains the (...)

Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data

Imagen de Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data
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Big Data represents a new era in data exploration and utilization, and IBM is uniquely positioned to help clients navigate this transformation. This book reveals how IBM is leveraging open source Big Data technology, infused with IBM technologies, to deliver a robust, secure, highly available, (...)

Understanding ETF Options: Profitable Strategies for Diversified, Low-Risk Investing

Imagen de Understanding ETF Options: Profitable Strategies for Diversified, Low-Risk Investing
Trester, Kenneth
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Proven ways to increase profits while reducing risk in one of today’s fastest growing marketsFinding a safe investment in today’s markets makes looking for that needle in a haystack seem easy. With a single whale able to move a market, herds of elephants ready to stampede after it, and (...)

Understanding jews today

Imagen de Understanding jews today
Trebolle Barrera Julio
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What does it mean to be a jew? what is judaism? How similar e modern Judaism to the Judaism of the Bible?.What does the expresión "Modern Judaism" actually mean? What are the characteristics of the various movements within Judaism today?: Hasidism,the haskalah or jewis enlightenment, reformed, (...)

Understanding LEAPS: Using the Most Effective Options Strategies for Maximum Advantage

Imagen de Understanding LEAPS: Using the Most Effective Options Strategies for Maximum Advantage
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Long-term Equity AnticiPation Securities (LEAPS) were first introduced by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in late 1990. Since then, trading in LEAPS has grown substantially, both in terms of contract scope and trading volume. In its first year of trading, LEAPS had a volume of 625,000. By (...)

Understanding Mathematics for Aircraft Navigation

Imagen de Understanding Mathematics for Aircraft Navigation
Wolper, James
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*Explains the mathematics essential to flight, teaching basic principles and reasoning*Provides an understanding that allows pilots to utilize new technologies*Examines techniques of GPS (Global Positioning System), and other navigation forms, including calculations of distance and bearings*Covers (...)

Understanding Options

Imagen de Understanding Options
Sincere, Michael
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This straightforward, accessible guide clearly explains whatoptions are and how they work, their pros and cons, their relationshipwith stocks, and how to use them to gain leverage,generate extra income, and protect against adverse price movements.


Imagen de Understanding the English PREPOSITIONS AND CONJUNCTIONS
Umilla Persad Lall
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