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Valtan II: El pacto de Sionian

Imagen de Valtan II: El pacto de Sionian
Francisco José Soto Núñez
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La batalla entre Rowan y Aziz llega a su desenlace. Cuando todo parece haber terminado, un nuevo evento inesperado surge para encauzar el devenir de Valtan; la aparición del legendario orbe. Un objeto cuyo inmenso poder hará las delicias de todo aquel que quiera poseer el reino para sí mismo. Ian (...)

Valuación de Empresas de Internet

Imagen de Valuación de Empresas de Internet
Enrique Alberto Caputo
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Esta obra tiene por objeto presentar algunas pautas para la valuación de empresas en Internet. En muy poco tiempo en términos macroeconómicos apenas seis años , las empresas punto.com han experimentado o, en algunos casos cumplido, un ciclo de vida completo. Para entender mejor el fenómeno, se (...)

Valuación de empresas y creación de valor

Imagen de Valuación de empresas y creación de valor
FCA, UNAM PriceWaterHouse Coopers IMEF
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El actual entorno de globalización nos impone retos nuevos y complejos. Vivimos tiempos de cambio acelerado donde la integración de las economías y los mercados exige de manera creciente mayores niveles de eficiencia y conocimiento para competir. Los ciclos de negocios son historias de éxito en la (...)


Eduardo Villegas
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Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Applications of Risk Management Systems

Imagen de Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Applications of Risk Management Systems
Jorion Philippe
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This chapter comes from Value at Risk, the industry standard in risk management. Now in its Third Edition, this international bestseller addresses the fundamental changes in the field that have occurred across the globe in recent years. Philippe Jorion provides the most current information needed (...)

Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Building Blocks

Imagen de Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Building Blocks
Jorion Philippe
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This chapter comes from Value at Risk, the industry standard in risk management. Now in its Third Edition, this international bestseller addresses the fundamental changes in the field that have occurred across the globe in recent years. Philippe Jorion provides the most current information needed (...)

Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Motivation

Imagen de Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Motivation
Jorion Philippe
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This chapter comes from Value at Risk, the industry standard in risk management. Now in its Third Edition, this international bestseller addresses the fundamental changes in the field that have occurred across the globe in recent years. Philippe Jorion provides the most current information needed (...)

Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: The Risk Management Profession

Imagen de Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: The Risk Management Profession
Jorion Philippe
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This chapter comes from Value at Risk, the industry standard in risk management. Now in its Third Edition, this international bestseller addresses the fundamental changes in the field that have occurred across the globe in recent years. Philippe Jorion provides the most current information needed (...)

Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Value-at-Risk Systems

Imagen de Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: Value-at-Risk Systems
Jorion Philippe
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This chapter comes from Value at Risk, the industry standard in risk management. Now in its Third Edition, this international bestseller addresses the fundamental changes in the field that have occurred across the globe in recent years. Philippe Jorion provides the most current information needed (...)

Value Creation and the Future of News Organization

Imagen de Value Creation and the Future of News Organization
Robert Picard
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"Why and how are news organizations changing? With the drive for low costs and low prices, how can the news industry create value to ensure its survival in the digital environment? Most of the contemporary challenges faced by news organizations result from changes in the media environment and media (...)
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