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Full Throttle

Imagen de Full Throttle
Philip Nutman
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A Rebel without a Cause collides with A Clockwork Orange. Manslaughter, death, rebirth, and redemption ensue in the first tale of the Jamie Hurst trilogy (also including Blackpool Rock and the two-part "Unearthly Powers"). From Philip Nutman s Cities of Night, this tale is one of a dozen stories (...)

Fungus (edició en català)

Imagen de Fungus (edició en català)
Sánchez Piñol, Albert
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Amb Fungus. El rei dels Pirineus, Sánchez Piñol torna al gènere fantàstic. Però més enllà del gènere literari, l'autor utilitza el monstre, la monstruositat i les relacions amb allò monstruós per parlar-nos d'un tema universal i sempre vigent: el poder, les relacions amb el poder i la (...)

Fungus (edición en castellano)

Imagen de Fungus (edición en castellano)
Sánchez Piñol, Albert
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«El mal no existe. Solo existe el poder.» La esperada nueva novela de Albert Sánchez Piñol es la puerta de entrada a un mundo nunca visto de fantasía y revolución. 1888. Ric-Ric es un pobre diablo, un anarquista desarrapado que no encuentra otro sitio donde caerse muerto que una cueva perdida (...)

George Clooney's Moustache

Imagen de George Clooney's Moustache
Robert Shearman
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A kidnapped woman starts writing enthusiastic love letters to her captor on toilet paper, and he soon finds out he may be the one who needs to escape. From Remember Why You Fear Me, this story is one of a set of deliciously frightening and darkly satirical tales by Robert Shearman, winner of the (...)

Ghal Maraz nº 2/4

Imagen de Ghal Maraz nº 2/4
Reynolds, Josh; Haley, Guy
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Ghal Maraz es la segunda entrega de The Realmgate Wars, una serie de novelas cortas y trepidantes de Age of Sigmar.

Ghost Town #1

Imagen de Ghost Town #1
Dave Dwonch
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Moments after scientists create a time machine, terrorists steal and weaponize the device, sending bombs into the future. Las Vegas evaporates in flame as the terrorists reveal their future target: Washington DC. Now the FBI must find the terrorists before the capital becomes a Ghost Town. The (...)

Ghost Town #2

Imagen de Ghost Town #2
Dave Dwonch
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The unthinkable has happened. In the wake of the terrorists' time-displaced attacks on Baltimore and Las Vegas, Washington DC has been evacuated. With the government uprooted, the abandoned capital has become a refuge for bandits, smugglers, hardened criminals, and those who have chosen to stay (...)

Ghost Town #4

Imagen de Ghost Town #4
David Dwonch Ryan Lindsay
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Nate Lawson has been running since the world went to hell two years ago, and he s almost at the finish line--the biggest payoff of his career. But every action has a consequence. Every gun in the Ghost Town is trained on him. Will he live long enough to deliver Hannah to her father? Find out in (...)


Imagen de Ghoulslayer
Hinks, Darius
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Novela protagonizada por uno de los personajes más queridos del universo WH: Gotrek Gurnisson.

Gifts for the One Who Comes After

Imagen de Gifts for the One Who Comes After
Helen Marshall
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Ghost thumbs. Microscopic dogs. One very sad can of tomato soup . . . Helen Marshall s second collection offers a series of twisted surrealities that explore the legacies we pass on to our children. A son seeks to reconnect with his father through a telescope that sees into the past. A young girl (...)
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