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Imagen de Zulema
José Antonio Sánchez Delgado
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Narra la leyenda de Zulema, una princesa árabe que vivió a mediados del siglo XIII en el Emirato de Aracena, lugar enclavado entre los reinos de taifas de Niebla, el acosado Reino de Sevilla, los valientes taifas extremeños y la irreductible población de Zufre. En el contexto de las reconquistas (...)


Imagen de Zuloa
Gantzarain Etxaniz, Xabier
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Paradoxa polita da: iraganak irautera egiten du. Eta narrazio batean sartzen dugu iragana, zentzu bat ematen diogu orainetik, zentzu bat ematen diogu oraindik; ondo asko dakigu, nean, iragan baten hondarrak garela. Hondarren hondarrak, nahiago bada. Eta narrazio horri historia izena ematen diogu, (...)


Imagen de Zulú
Férey, Caryl
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Un thriller crepuscular que revela las contradicciones de la Sudáfrica post-apartheid a las que un policía zulú debe enfrentarse.

Zulunation: The End of An Empire #1

Imagen de Zulunation: The End of An Empire #1
Gary Reed
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The saga that led to the decline of the British Empire, especially in colonial Africa. Based on true events. A call to war! The British, in command of South Africa, decide the best course of action is to goad the non-compliant Zulu s into a battle. The Zulus, armed with only spears would have no (...)

Zulunation: The End of An Empire #2

Imagen de Zulunation: The End of An Empire #2
Gary Reed
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The first battle between the Zulus and the British find that the British are woefully unprepared. In the battle of Isandhlwana, the Zulus destroy the main army and massacre and mutilate the fallen British. Considered one of the worst defeats in English history, the battle was labeled by some as (...)

Zulunation: The End of An Empirre #3

Imagen de Zulunation: The End of An Empirre #3
Gary Reed
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The defense of Rorke s Drift. After the annihilation of the main British force at Isandhlwana, the Zulus march on to a lone British outpost at Rorke s Drift. A small band of men hear about the destruction of the main British army but because of the outpost's hospital, they can t abandon the fort. (...)

Zwei Frauen (Bi emakume)

Imagen de Zwei Frauen (Bi emakume)
Agirre Odriozola, Joxean
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Literaturarekiko eta emakumeenganako pasioek bat egiten dute eleberri honetako protagonista izengabearengan. Gaztetan hasi eta zahartzaroaren atariraino, maite dituen andreekiko hainbat esperientzia eta amodioaren zenbait zoko-moko azalduko dizkigu, lau ataletan zehar, miresten dituen beste hainbat (...)
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