Fit For Faith


Diana Anderson
Charisma House
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Your physical condition affects your attitude, outlook on life, and ability to serve God and others to your full potential. In Fit for Faith: A Christian Woman s Guide to Total Fitness, author Diana Anderson provides interesting facts and vital information about health, nutrition, and exercise, and illustrates the connection between physical fitness and your walk with Christ. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. (1 Corinthians 6:19, NIV)In addition to illustrated step-by-step exercise routines, sample meal plans, and discussion about the relationship between certain foods and health taken straight from Scripture, Diana emphasizes the importance of positive friendships, and the need for rest and reflection on the Word of God. She also explains the impact of negative self-talk and stress on your physical condition. Whether you are a fitness fanatic or a couch potato, Fit for Faith will meet you right where you are, inspiring you to make lifelong changes and to adopt a positive attitude toward your health and physical fitness.