A Comprehensive "C-Level" Guide to Preventing and Responding to Fraud and Misconduct
This book belongs on any desk where fraud and misconduct threaten.It is bristling with the kind of detail this field truly needs. Written byleading pros at the top of their game, its soup-to-nuts advice matchessolutions to problems. Read it once to gain broad insight; comeback again and again to manage particular risks.
Thomas Donaldson, Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics,Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
This book provides a valuable road map to corporate fraud fightersin an age when shareholders, regulators, and whistleblowersare making their work more vital than ever.
Neil Weinberg, Executive Editor, Forbes Media LLC; coauthor, Stolen Without a Gun
Auditors, managers, and directors may argue over who is responsiblefor minimizing fraud and misconduct. The fact is, we all share thisresponsibility. As a current and comprehensive guide to the subject, thisbook should be recommended reading for every public company director.
Kenneth Daly, President and CEO, National Association of Corporate Directors
About the Book
Maintaining and enhancing the integrity of anorganization in a global, regulated, and digitalenvironment has become an increasingly complexand difficult challenge for business leaders.Despite major legislative and regulatory reformsover the past decade, the headlines are repletewith instances of corporate misdeeds. Indeed,nearly two-thirds of executives surveyed byKPMG reported that fraud and misconduct weresignificant risks in their industries, and a third ofthese executives expected fraud or misconductto rise in their organizations within the year.
Managing the Risk of Fraud and Misconduct isan A-to-Z guidebook for business leaders whoare looking for an integrated and comprehensiveapproach for cutting through the complexitiesin today s environment. This solution driven bookprovides insights from top experts who walk youthrough proven approaches to customize a strategyfor preventing, detecting, and responding tofraud and corruption by building a culture ofethics and integrity.
Managing the Risk of Fraud and Misconduct willhelp business leaders to stay a step ahead oftomorrow s demands by providing guidance onhow to:
- Assess your organization s vulnerabilityto fraud and misconduct, and designand implement controls to prevent, detect,and respond to these occurrences
- Address increased regulatoryenforcement and enhanced scrutiny
- Preserve and create value fromcorporate governance and complianceprograms
- Use technology and data analytics tomitigate fraud and misconduct risks
- Evaluate the ongoing effectiveness ofyour compliance program