Everything you need for success on the EMT-Basic exam in one complete streamlined review!
Includes online question bank
If you want to the highest score possible on the EMT-Basic exam, there s no better study partner than McGraw-Hill s Basic review book. This indispensable study guide helps you think through pre-hospital medicine while covering every topic you must know on exam day. Each chapter begins with a clinical scenario followed by a bulleted overview of key topics and summarized by retention-enhancing Q&As at the end of every chapter. You ll also get valuable exam preparation tips, the do s and don ts of answering multiple choice questions and clinical pearls. The online question bank allows you to choose your questions by topic and hone in on your strengths and weaknesses to prepare you for exam day. McGraw-Hill Basic has everything you need to boost your confidence and your score.
Turn to this all-in-one guide for:
- High-yield outline format bolstered by Q&A, clinical scenarios, and easy-to-remember bulleted content
- New content added to reflect the 2010 DOT National Standard curriculum
- New 150 Question practice exam at the end of the book
- Online question bank with over 250 uestions available at www.mcgrawhillemt.com