Tecnología e ingeniería

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Metrotecnica en la Ingeniería Mecánica

Imagen de Metrotecnica en la Ingeniería Mecánica
Ventura Antonio & Sanabria Juan José
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Desde sus orígenes esta obra ha sido concebida por el autor como una herramienta teórico-práctica para el estudio de los modernos microcontroladores actuales, y el uso de sus múltiples recursos internos para el desarrollo de todo tipo de aplicaciones y proyectos. La obra se centra en los (...)

Microeconomía: Cuestiones y problemas resueltos

Imagen de Microeconomía: Cuestiones y problemas resueltos
Emilio Congregado
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Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming

Imagen de Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming
Shepherd, Richard
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Develop custom Access VBA macrosPerfect for power users, Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming reveals how to maximize the features and functionality of Access 2010. You'll get in-depth details on Access VBA programming and application development followed by 20 real-world projects--complete (...)

Microsoft Office 2007 QuickSteps

Imagen de Microsoft Office 2007 QuickSteps
Matthews Marty Matthews Carole
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Step-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics!Get started using Office 2007 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions guide you through all of the essential features and functions of the world's most popular productivity suite. Follow along and learn how to create great-looking (...)

Microsoft Office 2010 Demystified

Imagen de Microsoft Office 2010 Demystified
Rex, Karin
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Master all the Office 2010 features with ease!Microsoft Office 2010 DeMYSTiFieD takes you through the whole suite, application-by-application, providing clear, task-oriented procedures for every key feature. Each chapter begins with clearly stated objectives and ends with a summary and quiz, making (...)

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Paso a Paso

Imagen de Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Paso a Paso
Guy Hart & Davis
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El libro explica cómo ingresar y dar formato a datos y gráficas, cómo construir, analizar y almacenar bases de datos, y compartir libros de trabajo de forma segura con otros usuarios.

Microsoft Office Excel 2010 QuickSteps

Imagen de Microsoft Office Excel 2010 QuickSteps
John Cronan
Adobe Drm
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Step-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics!Start using Excel 2010 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions make it easy to ramp up on the latest release of Microsoft's powerful spreadsheet application. Follow along and quickly learn how to create workbooks, enter and edit (...)

Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 QuickSteps

Imagen de Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 QuickSteps
Matthews Carole Matthews Marty Sandberg Bobbi
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Step-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics!Start using Outlook 2010 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions make it easy to ramp up the latest release of Microsoft's powerful communications application. Follow along and quickly learn how to send, receive, and manage e-mail; (...)

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 QuickSteps

Imagen de Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 QuickSteps
Matthews Carole Boggs
Adobe Drm
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Step-by-Step, Full-Color GraphicsStart using PowerPoint 2010 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions make it easy to ramp up on the latest release of Microsoft's powerful presentation application. Follow along and quickly learn how to create great-looking slides, (...)
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