Twilight X: Book Two-Before Peace #GN 2


Joe Wight
Antarctic Pres
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The definitive military adventure returns with the epic Twilight X: Book Two! Earth has been at war with itself for 11 years, and the first world has collapsed. Isolated pockets of humanity resemble villages out of the Dark Ages, ruled by modern-day tyrants.?There is only one chance left to break the chains of worldwide oppression, and that final, terrible battle has begun. Caught in the center, five strangers have banded together and made their choice to stand for freedom or die in the last battle of World War Three.?For the first time, this giant graphic novel collects two rare miniseries of the continuing saga, Twilight X: Storm and Twilight X: War, into a massive, 480-page volume of post-apocalyptic action. Written and illustrated in beautiful cinematic glory and unbelievable detail by 15-year comic book veteran Joseph Wight (Star Wars: The Manga, Duel, Robotech, How to Draw Manga)!