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Basat en una història real

Imagen de Basat en una història real
De Vigan, Delphine
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«Un llibre maquiavèl·lic i brillant. Vigan barreja l’univers de Stephen King amb l’autoficció.» Livres


Imagen de Basaya
Txema Mendibil
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Año 2126. Setenta y cinco años después de que la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales, el agotamiento de las fuentes de energía y la profunda quiebra social propiciada por la extrema pobreza dieran lugar a una catástrofe de dimensiones planetarias, la vida inteligente se reduce a la (...)

Baseball for the Utterly Confused

Imagen de Baseball for the Utterly Confused
Randall Ed
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Play Ball!Everything baseball from the popular Utterly Confused SeriesWhat's a foul ball?Or a swinging third strike?New fans, parents, and first-time coaches need no longer be Utterly Confused about baseball, as the popular series introduces the basics of the sport in a fun and easy-to-follow (...)

Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Pillar II, Challenges, and Dealing with Procyclicality

Imagen de Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Pillar II, Challenges, and Dealing with Procyclicality
Ozdemir Bogie Miu Peter
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This is a sample chapter from Basel II Implementation, an invaluable guide that puts a potent combination of theory and real-world practice at your fingertips. Written by two of the most globally recognized and sought-after thought leaders in Basel II implementation, this how-to book maps out, (...)

Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Risk Ratings System Design

Imagen de Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Risk Ratings System Design
Ozdemir Bogie Miu Peter
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This is a sample chapter from Basel II Implementation, an invaluable guide that puts a potent combination of theory and real-world practice at your fingertips. Written by two of the most globally recognized and sought-after thought leaders in Basel II implementation, this how-to book maps out, (...)

Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Risk Ratings System Qualification

Imagen de Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Risk Ratings System Qualification
Ozdemir Bogie Miu Peter
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This is a sample chapter from Basel II Implementation, an invaluable guide that puts a potent combination of theory and real-world practice at your fingertips. Written by two of the most globally recognized and sought-after thought leaders in Basel II implementation, this how-to book maps out, (...)

Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Validation of Internal Risk Rating System

Imagen de Basel II Implementation : A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal Risk Rating System: Validation of Internal Risk Rating System
Ozdemir Bogie Miu Peter
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This is a sample chapter from Basel II Implementation, an invaluable guide that puts a potent combination of theory and real-world practice at your fingertips. Written by two of the most globally recognized and sought-after thought leaders in Basel II implementation, this how-to book maps out, (...)


Imagen de Bàsic
Rojas Martín, Manuel
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El viatge pel món més impressionant mai viscut. Bàsic és un llibre apassionant! És el viatge d'un nen al voltant del món que gràcies als nens i als adults que va coneixent a cada país que visita, cada dia va aprenent costums i valors positius inesborrables. Únic, el protagonista, viurà una (...)


Imagen de Basilisco
Bilbao, Jon
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Insatisfecho con su trabajo como ingeniero, el protagonista de Basilisco se traslada a California, donde conoce a dos personas que cambiarán su vida: Katharina, una joven que acabará siendo su mujer, y John Dunbar, un trampero, veterano de la guerra de Secesión y pistolero ocasional que lleva (...)


Imagen de Bassett
Gibbons, Stella
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Stella Gibbons vuelve a regalarnos, apenas un año después de haber publicado La hija de Robert Poste, una comedia romántica de humor desatado, llena de equívocos, escenas memorables, con personajes irrepetibles y situaciones que harían las delicias del mismísimo Wodehouse. La casa de huéspedes de (...)
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