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Imagen de Chowringhee
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Un clásico imprescindible de la literatura india moderna.


Imagen de Christine
King, Stephen
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El oscuro protagonista de esta novela es un automóvil marca Plymouth de 1958 llamado Christine, un superviviente de un tiempo en que la gasolina era barata y el rock and roll marcaba el ritmo de la época. Arnie Cunningham está dispuesto a conseguir el Plymouth del 58 a cualquier precio. Y lo (...)

Christmas At Holly Hill

Imagen de Christmas At Holly Hill
Martha Rogers
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Can Clayton Barlow prove he has changed his ways in time for Christmas? It is October 1898, and Clayton Barlow has just returned home after serving time in prison for his part in a bank robbery. His family welcomes him, but the townspeople are skeptical. Bored with life in the small town but (...)

Christopher Homm

Imagen de Christopher Homm
Sisson, C. H.
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Un cuarto de siglo antes que la célebre La flecha del tiempo de Martin Amis, C. H. Sisson, poeta, autor de solo dos novelas, contó la vida de un hombre común de clase trabajadora en orden cronológico inverso, es decir, desde su muerte hasta su nacimiento. La pirueta narrativa, conducida con (...)

Christopher Marlowe & the Bards of Nemeton

Imagen de Christopher Marlowe & the Bards of Nemeton
Meirion Jones
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A war is raging and the stakes are impossibly high. To the victors go the spoils of the ultimate natural resource mankind's sub-conscious and the power to remake reality on a whim, to become Godlike. One man is caught in the middle … and he's not happy about it.

Chronic City

Imagen de Chronic City
Lethem, Jonathan
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Un retrato mordaz de los habitantes de Manhattan que viven atrapados en sus propias desilusiones, deseos y mentiras. Chase Insteadman, un apuesto e inofensivo producto de la escena social de Manhattan, lleva una vida de ocio gracias a las rentas que recibe de su breve carrera como actor infantil. (...)

Chronic City

Imagen de Chronic City
Jonathan Lethem
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Chase Insteadman is a handsome, inoffensive fixture on Manhattan s social scene, living off his earnings as a child star. Chase owes his current social status to an ongoing tragedy much covered in the tabloids: His teenage sweetheart and fiancée, Janice Trumbull, is trapped by a layer of low-orbit (...)

Chronicles Of Hate

Imagen de Chronicles Of Hate
Adrian Smith
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In a world where the sun is frozen and the moon burns, an unlikely hero rises to free the Earth Mother from her chains. His path lies in shadows, his enemies' legion.

Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol

Imagen de Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol
Stuart Jennett
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'An Alex Ross-style visual feast: Sound of Thunder meets Inglorious Basterds! Ain t It CoolWhen the Allies and Nazis develop time travel technology that could change the course of the Second World War, only the rugged, cigar-chomping Sarge and his band of misfit soldiers can save the future and (...)

Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol #1

Imagen de Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol #1
Stuart Jennett
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When the Allies and Nazis develop time-diving technology that could see the Second World War derailed by creatures from the Cretaceous, only the Sarge and his band of misfit soldiers can save the future by saving history! Dinosaurs! Giant Crocodiles! Albert Einstein with a machinegun! All that (...)
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