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Imagen de Clima
Offill, Jenny
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«Una obra maestra total. La novela perfecta para el fin del mundo.» Los Angeles Times «Una novela absolutamente excepcional, quizá el retrato más potente de la Norteamérica de Trump.» The Guardian Lizzie Benson es bibliotecaria en Brooklyn. Divide sus atenciones entre su hijo Eli, su marido Ben y (...)


Imagen de Climent
Fonalleras i Codony, Josep Maria
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És un relat de pèrdues i recerques, escriptors, desaparicions i pintures. Els amics den Climent demanen a un escriptor que li segueixi el rastre i que posi ordre a la novel·la que no ha escrit. En la recerca, un joc daparences i miralls, sencara a la vida i a la mort, a la pèrdua, lamor i lamistat, (...)

Clipperton (Mapa de las lenguas)

Imagen de Clipperton (Mapa de las lenguas)
Raphael, Pablo
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"Ante el panorama de una literatura mayoritariamente torpe y anclada firmemente en la inopia estética y ética (y, por lo tanto, política), Pablo Raphael reivindica un tipo de literatura caracterizada por el equilibrio entre contexto histórico, poética, ideología, trama y aparato textual." (...)

Clisson and Eugénie

Imagen de Clisson and Eugénie
Napoleon Bonaparte
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Clive Barker's Great & Secret Show

Imagen de Clive Barker's Great & Secret Show
Chris Ryall
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Collected here in one deluxe edition is the complete 12-part saga that comprises the comic book adaptation of master of horror Clive Barker's epic journey into the fantastic, The Great and Secret Show. Adapted by Chris Ryall (Zombies vs. Robots) and artist Gabriel Rodriguez (Locke & Key), this (...)

Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #1

Imagen de Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #1
Ben Meares Mark Miller Victor LaValle
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WHY WE LOVE IT: Over the past three years, Clive Barker has re-imagined the HELLRAISER mythos as only he could, building a long-form narrative that became one of the best-received horror comics in recent memory. Now, the Master of Horror takes us into his Bestiary for an anthology series free of (...)

Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #2

Imagen de Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #2
Ben Meares Mark Miller Christopher Taylor
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The journey into the Bestiary continues! In this issue, Christopher Taylor and Jason Shawn Alexander tell a tale of a blues singer who possesses a very unique guitar, while in the second part of "The Hunted," we learn just who hired the mercenaries tasked with stealing Pinhead s pins.

Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #3

Imagen de Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #3
Ed Brisson Ben Meares Mark Miller
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The trip through The Cenobites Bestiary continues! This month, Ed Brisson (Sheltered) and Alexis Ziritt (The Package) show us how smartphones and the LeMarchand Device are connected in "Conduit," while in "Puzzled," a young man with an aptitude for solving puzzles finds refuge with the legendary (...)

Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #6

Imagen de Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Bestiary #6
Christopher Sebela Ben Meares Mark Miller
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The final chapter of this Hellraiser anthology arrives with perhaps its most shocking stories, as Christopher Sebela (Dead Letters) teams up with Matt Battaglia for a tale of a hoarder unlike any you ve seen on reality TV. Also, Ben Meares and Peter Bergting (Baltimore) show us a scientist racing (...)

Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Dark Watch Vol. 2

Imagen de Clive Barker's Hellraiser: Dark Watch Vol. 2
Clive Barker Brandon Seifert
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The new high priest of Hell has been revealed: Harry D Amour. As the former detective tries to adjust to his new life, he is besieged by constant assassination attempts by other Cenobites while his former human allies fight amongst themselves. Meanwhile, as soldiers from other dimensions encroach (...)
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