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Hotel Nirvana

Imagen de Hotel Nirvana
Leguineche, Manuel
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«La vuelta a Europa por los hoteles míticos y sus historias.» Recuperamos tres títulos emblemáticos del desaparecido Manuel Leguineche, que se unen a El precio del paraíso (B de Bolsillo, 2016) y a El camino más corto (Ediciones B, 2016). Leguineche sigue siendo recordado como gran periodista y (...)

How Boat Things Work : An Illustrated Guide

Imagen de How Boat Things Work : An Illustrated Guide
Wing, Charlie
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"“Anyone who contemplates any onboard do-it-yourself work should have this book at his or her elbow.”--Cruising World“This book reduces a boat to its most rudimentary parts in simple drawings and clear explanations. Fascinating to read, it’s a perfect teaching (...)

How not to starve in Portugal

Imagen de How not to starve in Portugal
Pepper, Lucy
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How an English woman learned to love the real Portugal. What is like to be a foreigner living in Portugal? Even if you learn the language and try to integrate into Portuguese life, the truth is it is never easy to understand the Portuguese. Lucy Pepper moved from London to a Portuguese village in (...)

How to Enjoy the World Cup

Imagen de How to Enjoy the World Cup
Chris England
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How to Kill Monsters Using Common Household Items

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Jason Offutt
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The greatest threat facing the human race is monsters. Vampires, werewolves, space aliens, gnomes it seems we can't open the front door without facing our doom. "How to Kill Monsters Using Common Household Items" is a must-have homeowner defense manual for eliminating monsters easily, effectively, (...)

How to Sail Around the World : Advice and Ideas for Voyaging Under Sail

Imagen de How to Sail Around the World : Advice and Ideas for Voyaging Under Sail
Roth Hal
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A new classic from one of the world's most respected sailing authorsMore than 35 years ago, Hal Roth quit his job as a journalist and went sailing. Since then, he's logged more than 200,000 sea miles. Along the way, Roth also has authored eight voyaging classics, including the 1978 bestseller After (...)

Huellas y Sabores del Perú

Imagen de Huellas y Sabores del Perú
La Universidad San Martín de Porres
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Las huellas de un pueblo a traves de sus sabores

Human Forest

Imagen de Human Forest
Flora Goldberg
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Humano se nace

Imagen de Humano se nace
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Como decía el genial Quino, «ser un ser humano es probablemente una enfermedad incurable» «Cada libro de Quino es lo que más se parece a la felicidad: la quinoterapia.»Gabriel García Márquez «Ser un ser humano es probablemente una enfermedad incurable», decía el genial dibujante argentino Quino. (...)


Imagen de Humanos
Phillips, Tom
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Una apasionante y divertida historia de la humanidad que da cuenta de los miles de años de pruebas y errores —sobre todo errores— cometidos a lo largo del auge de la civilización, para aquellos lectores que desearían que Breve historia del mundo hubiera sido escrita por Monty Python.
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