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Cloaks #1

Imagen de Cloaks #1
Caleb Monroe
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WHY WE LOVE IT: Who doesn t love a good magic trick? From HEXED, to THOMAS ALSOP, to THE LAST BROADCAST, we ve always had a few tricks up our sleeves, and CLOAKS continues the tradition with a Black Ops twist.WHY YOU LL LOVE IT: Caleb Monroe (STEED AND MRS. PEEL, Batman) and artist Mariano Navarro (...)

Cloaks #2

Imagen de Cloaks #2
Caleb Monroe David Henrie
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After the shocking reveal of what truly happened to his mentor and father figure Blackstone, Adam reluctantly agrees to join the ranks of the CLOAKS black-ops organization and is immediately thrown into his first mission: hunting down his predecessor on the team, someone who Adam can t help but (...)

Clockwork Angels #4

Imagen de Clockwork Angels #4
Kevin J. Anderson Neil Peart
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Owen Hardy wanted to see the world. Now, the world is after him! Framed as the terrorist "The Anarchist," he finds himself on the run for his life. The choices he makes take him to strange and terrifying heights in the next chapter of this steampunk epic.

Clockwork Angels #5

Imagen de Clockwork Angels #5
Kevin J. Anderson
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Owen s been given a chance to take on the skies aboard Commodore Pangloss airship. But a heart like Owen s can never stay in one place for too long before longing for a new frontier. With the Seven Cities calling to him, we re off again on a new journey!

Cloe. La lucha por sobrevivir

Imagen de Cloe. La lucha por sobrevivir
Violeta Sanchez Pintado
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Cloe: la lucha por sobrevivir es una novela positiva, cuyo eje central es la lucha constante por superar los obstáculos que te impone la vida.

Clone Vol. 1

Imagen de Clone Vol. 1
David Schulner Aaron Ginsburg Wade McIntyre
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Dr. Luke Taylor's perfect life comes to a dramatic halt when an identical, bloodied version of himself arrives at his doorstep with news that he is one of many clones... and they're all after his pregnant wife and their unborn child!

Clone Vol. 2

Imagen de Clone Vol. 2
David Schulner Aaron Ginsburg Wade McIntyre
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Luke Taylor's true nature has been revealed, but his fight to rescue his wife and newborn daughter is just beginning. Now that Beta and the second generation of clones have been unleashed, can Luke survive against his younger, stronger, and more ruthless selves? Collects CLONE #6-10

Clone Vol. 4

Imagen de Clone Vol. 4
David Schulner Aaron Ginsburg Wade McIntyre
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Luke Taylor's mission to uncover the truth behind the Clone program has only lead to the death of his friends. Who will be the next to die in his name? Collects CLONE #16-20

Closca de nou

Imagen de Closca de nou
McEwan, Ian
Marca de agua digital
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La Trudy manté una relació adúltera amb en Claude, germà del seu marit John. Aquest, poeta i editor de poesia, és un somiador depressiu amb tendència a l’obesitat. En Claude és més pragmàtic i treballa en negocis immobiliaris. Els amants conceben un pla: enverinar en John. El motiu: una mansió (...)

Closed for Winter

Imagen de Closed for Winter
Jorn Lier Horst
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